We’re curious by nature, born to explore, test our limits and ask questions. It’s easier to explore, test those limits, and ask those questions when you feel your best.
IF you don’t know, ask yourself what it might FEEL and be like to put your health first. Your best life is waiting for you.
Them: “The only thing that’s ever worked for changing my body composition is what we’re doing with strength training, and the changes I’ve made with my nutrition. I got dressed for work and on my way I had to stop and buy a belt because my pants were to loose!”
Me: “Exactly! When you want to change your body composition that’s what you need to do. Along with the other things we’ve done to get your body capable of doing that safely, and for the other conditioning stuff we’ve done as well.”
Long story short Mr. John Jingleheimer Schmidt, I CAN believe that. PS: I laughed way to hard at this picture.
One of the most overlooked factors people neglect when they workout is stability. They won’t see results because they can’t get their body to the point it can go hard enough because they lack the stability to withstand the workouts needed to get them to their goals. Let alone having the know how in how to get to them. If you want to lose weight or gain strength this is something you HAVE to do. Below is an example of one exercise you could do.
Check out this hip extension drill that mimics running. If you don’t have a cable machine you can use a band instead.
If you don’t have those either you can do this drill without anything at all. You can just bring your leg in front of you a little bit as opposed to letting the cable or band at a high anchor point pull you up a bit. It’s also great for balance and coordination.
Some concepts of improving your health (or most things) are very straight forward, like this picture. They generally make sense and when you say them a lot of the time they seem super easy.
Create a healthy calorie deficit to lose fat mass.
Get more sleep.
Drink more water.
Incorporate more fruits & vegetables daily.
Add lean muscle to lose weight fat, re composition your body and stay younger.
Move more than before.
I didn’t say anything earth shattering there. With YouTube and internet you’ve heard all of that and then some before. Everyone I know who makes what they do look easy has done so because they’ve been immersed in whatever it is they do for a long time. It still impresses me, but it doesn’t surprise me.
Everyone I currently train online & in person knows the concepts or can grasp them when presented in seconds. They just need help figuring out THEIR details. They’re busy and need someone whose immersed themselves in something for a long time to help them. That’s me.
They have a hard time to sticking to those concepts even when they know better without accountability.
Whatever you do your body will adapt to. Want rounded shoulders, a stiff back, neck pain, and to cause dysfunction? Sit all day and do nothing to change those things.
People don’t often think of mobility when it comes to #bodybuilders but when someone goes through a certain range of motion consistently they generally KEEP that.
Going through full ranges of motion and working on muscular imbalances will at the VERY LEAST allow you to keep that range of motion and hold your joints in more preferable positions.
Cramped for time and need to work on strength AND mobility?
Work in exercises like the #pike pictured above to be time efficient with your workouts.
Need other ideas of what exercises would make that list?
Think of your body as being composed of 2 kinds of weights.
Musculoskeletal and energy storage/fat mass. If you lost 10lbs of fat right now and gained 10lbs of muscle you would weigh the exact same but your body would shift 20lbs. You would literally take up less space as muscle is denser then fat.
When you strength train progressively and add muscle tissue over time you raise your resting metabolism that helps you keep fat off. By adding muscle tissue and creating A SAFE caloric deficit you can lower your body fat percentage.
It takes TIME to add muscle tissue with consistency of the right things overtime with your NUTRITION & EXERCISE. The human body is the ultimate feedback tool. If you’re not getting the results you want, you’re likely not giving it the right instructions.
If you’re not getting the results you want, reach out and let’s review what you’ve been telling your body to do!
The bodies the ultimate feedback tool, there’s a reason somethings happening or not happening. It took me 4 months to be able to do this again on my wrist. It’s almost back to normal but it’s still tighter then it should be. While I could keep working out and just modify things my wrist caused me to do things differently.
My shoulder and back started getting irritated because of things I couldn’t do at the time. I knew what was happening but my wrist would only allow so much. That was with me diligently addressing it.
What reoccurring issue do you have or prior injury you never actually addressed?
Contact me today and let’s get you healthy, and out of pain!
This person got about 35 workouts in that time with these results in those 9 weeks. They hadn’t been working out and we had to start slow and iron out some imbalances before we could start going harder. They ate to much at times and to little at others. They also kept trying, kept improving and are really hitting their stride now. I’m excited to post a comparison in another 3 months showing how much further they’ve come at that point!
They did this all with limited time while working 3 jobs.
You don’t need a crazy amount of equipment to get started and see results! You can see how much more upright they’re already and while only about 2lbs lighter they’ve dropped SEVERAL inches!
(They also didn’t think I’d seriously use a picture of Saweetie to cover their face. But I’m a man of my word)
NOTE: This person gave me permission to post these photos, including permission to allow her face to be visible.
There will generally always be chaos and you’ll probably have some fire to put out somewhere. Things will almost never be optimal. But if you continue to do what you can you’ll be surprised at how far that can take you.
Have you said any of these?
1. I just don’t know if now is the right time.
Well, when IS the right time to feel better and improve your health ? Perhaps during a pandemic?
2. Once I get through this week things will be better.
Sometimes this can be true, maybe it’s a finals week, you’re moving, or some hit the fan but if it’s just a blip on the map that’s no big deal. Otherwise most people say this and then repeat it…indefinitely.
3. Tomorrow/next week I’ll start.
The future can’t be “magical” if you don’t choose to make changes.
4. I can only be all or nothing.
Something will ALWAYS be better then nothing. Again, nothings usually perfect hence the pictures I posted with this. But I’ve learned a lot the past couple months with a nasty wrist sprain that I’m still battling. It’s not optimal, but it IS better then nothing and if I hadn’t shown up I couldn’t have learned those things .
The reason almost anyone makes progress with anything is they don’t just show up on the good days. But everyday anyone can show up, IS a good day
If you workout right now or even if you haven’t started yet lets pretend you workout 5 days a week. Well in month 1 you’re working out 5 days a week and say in month 3 it’s still 5 days a week. Lets say in month 6 and month 12 it’s STILL 5 days a week.
So here’s the deal. You’re not working out MORE time in this scenario but your work capacity/what you can get done in a workout increases along with your resting metabolism by us adding lean muscle tissue from month 1 to month 12 SIGNIFICANTLY!
Why should you care?
You should care because that “good avalanche” of work capacity allowing you to do more, and more, and more will get you into MUCH better shape over time. As it picks up speed it picks up more and more speed. Your workouts become progressively more intense overtime allowing your body continued success. Allowing you to cover A LOT more ground in the same amount of time in the future! When you see good results without being “perfect” in the first few months and feel so much better already KNOW that the best is yet to come!
(This person trains with me online and was by no means perfect during this 3 month time frame. We even started out slow and had some hiccups. They started though, and have gotten better and better and in 3 MORE months it’ll be light years different 🙂 )
NOTE: This person gave me permission to post these photos, including permission to allow her face to be visible.